Tonight's the night!

Please pray for little Esther. She hasn't been herself for the past 2 weeks and came down with a low-grade fever on Wednesday. We still wonder if it might just be teething. The doctor checked her out yesterday and said her ears and throat and everything are all fine. He did mention the possibility of a bladder infection and suggested I get a urine sample. So I went to the lab and they handed me one of those little cups and basically told me to just go home and figure it out. Ya, right. I've tried twice now, with each episode taking 2 hours, to get her to pee in this stupid container. She's 5 months old for crying out loud! And she doesn't pee out like a boy, if you know what I mean. Anyways, I didn't catch any pee (although I did get soaked both times) and I'm sure by now the 'sterile' container is contaminated. Apparently they are supposed to do some sort of baggie thing, but the lady at the lab said she didn't have that. So, I guess we're just going to have to pray her better! My friend Julia (who just graduated with a bachelor's degree in midwifery - way to go!) is going to take care of my little peanut tonight while we're out. Pray that she takes a bottle easily and doesn't miss mommy too much! My brother Tyler will also be here hangin' out with Simba.
On a happy note, Esther now weighs 16lbs and is 26 1/2" long! And apparently I'm still losing weight on this breastfeeding diet. (which basically means I eat everything in sight and then nurse Esther and she drinks all the calories!)
That is outrageous! When they thought Quinlan had a bladder infection, they taped the baggie on her right in the office and didn't let us leave until there was a sample. I guess all you can do is take her into emerg if you are really worried about it. I would complain loudly about the service you got. Pretty crappy indeed.
I hope you had fun at your big party!
Do you have pictures of the two of you all beautified????!! definitely post them if you do!
...And that sounds like a great diet!
I hear ya with this diet thing....don't now how I'm gonna keep those calories off once i'm done this I love knowing I can eat whatever I what. With two kids soon to be running around I'm sure we will be able to keep the weight off though.
great photo of deyan :)
congratulations both of you - it's been a long haul and you both worked hard!!
umm... I USE to be a hairdresser... if you are going to your dinner as an 80's girl I can do a Farrah Faucett doo on ya... Niiiiice. Have a great dinner. As for off daughters... mine is a little off too.. snot trails for miles and a hacking cough... 6 times last night.. will I ever sleep again....argggh have fun, boogy the night away.
Thats ridiculous about my poor baby girl! I can't believe they expect a 5 month old baby to pee in a bucket!!!! Love ya and hope you had fun at the party.
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