Simeon's cuteness

Not much is new around here. My legs are healing - slower than I would like! The kids are cute as ever, and still occasionally hard to handle. But overall I feel like things are getting better. We still have rough moments, but we also have lots of fun together. I love our little family.
Last night, before putting Simeon to bed, I asked him if he wanted some yogurt. (He usually eats plain Balkan yogurt so I had already put some in a bowl for him.) He said "yesh" and then proceeded to open the fridge. I told him to hop up in his chair, that I had some ready for him. He then grabs a different container of yogurt (which happened to be Yoplait creamy) and says, "No mom, Yoplait creamy, yum yum yum!" I laughed, remembering the commercial from our 2 weeks of Olympic watching. The kid has a great memory! As he ate his yogurt, he recited the commercial, something like this: "I want more! Ladies! Sorry, don't know what over me." Then he says, "Mom, Yoplait creamy best yogurt I ever have?" Oh the power of advertising!
A couple of weeks ago, before I decided to stop potty training, I noticed Sim needing to go poo. We spent a good half hour in the bathroom, him sitting on the potty and me sitting beside him on the bathroom floor talking to Joyska on the phone. Finally, he says, "All done!" I am very excited for him and as he stands up and turns around I say, "Look, Simeon! What's in the potty?" With great exuberation he replies, "I made a hippo!" I tried not to laugh too hard and again repeated, "But what did you, my big boy, do in the potty?" To which he replied, "Not a hippo, a rhino!" All I can say is, ouch!
Sim and Esther are really starting to play more. Sim has always been fascinated with his sister, but usually gets overcome with emotion and squeezes her in his intensity! Lately he makes sure she is apart of everything and that he knows where she is at all times. Like at nap time, if I want to go lie down with him, he will say, "And momma, and simeon and baby esther all together". Or if he suddenly notices she's not around he gets very worried, "where's baby?". When I tell him she's sleeping, he needs to go and check on her just to make sure. And when he goes to bed, he always has to kiss her goodnight. I hope this wonderful big brother trend continues! Esther, on the other hand, is usually quite nervous around him (rightfully so). I try not to react every time I hear her squeak, because sometimes Sim hasn't even touched her! She's just whining in anticipation as she sees him coming closer! She does love to smile at him though. She especially seems to enjoy riding in the car with him. She sits beside him, facing him, and stares lovingly at him the entire time she's awake. I think she likes that he can hold her hand, but because he's buckled in he can't reach her face! :)
By the way, Joni, the picture of me is pre-haircut. I'm still working on adjusting to the new do!
Goodness, Deanna, you have adorable children. Wow. LoveJ
Miss you, J! Come home soon!
I love the pics.. new wallpaper now on my puter at work. Still want to see the haircut LOL. I got mine cut again last night.
I will be home VERY soon....April 10th to April 30th (or longer, if needed).
Can't wait to see you and have a proper catching-up!
oh dear sweet simeon...haha these stories made me "lol"
Hey Deanna!
It was great to get a comment from you. I have also been reading your blog, checking up on you and the babies :)
I managed to get Esther's stomach contents cleaned off my shirt... hahaha.
I love your kids, they are beautiful. It sounds like Simeon is getting even funnier than when I saw him at Christmas time.
Anyway, I must be off to bed. Be blessed Deanna!
What a cutie!!!
That is adorable that he says: momma i made a hippo and then he says i made a rhino. I am glad to hear he is enjoying Esther do much. I miss and love you all so much.
Hey my beautiful family!
Ahhh, all the funny stories make me miss you o so much more! You guys are amazing and Sim, o my goodness, what a smarty!
Waiting in anticipation to see you again!
i LOVE your new hair, i forgot to tell you!!! I saw the pictures you sent last night and that picture of you and the kids is sooo beautiful!
Cute pictures and cute stories. We have the picture of Sim holding Esther as our background on the computer and it overwhelms us everytime we see is almost tooooo cute. Dan sees it and says "I gotta get out there"
CANNOT WAIT dee, to see you and esther... I wish Simba too... but that will require my coming there i guess... 8 more sleeps! (i have one less, cuz night watch throws me off by one!) hehe
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