Two is Better than One

Well, I wish I had more time for blogging! But man oh man is life busy with 2 kids! I've heard it said that having a child will change your life forever. In some ways, I agree. I mean, having Simeon made for some adjustments in my life, but not as many as I would have thought. After all, I took him with me anywhere I wanted to go and just incoporated him into my life. So I think that if there were changes, they were mostly on an emotional level. I love being a mom!
Anyways, since Esther was born, I have found that statement to be truer than ever. All of a sudden, life seems more complicated. Going to the store because I ran out of milk has now become a big deal. Is it really worth it to get both kids dressed in their winter gear, buckled into their car seats, drive to the store, take them inside and put them in a cart, buy the milk, put them back in their car seats, drive them home, bring them both into the house, and undress them? Especially when half-way through one of them gets hungry or needs a sudden diaper change, or just has a melt-down? Most times I decide to do without the milk (or whatever I need) until Deyan gets home. In fact, it seems like my day revolves around making food, feeding/eating, cleaning up meal mess, changing diapers and getting dressed, then maybe throwing in a load of laundry before it's time for the next meal! I have been assured that it does get easier. Sometimes I just want to pack the diaper bag and take both kids out of the house so I don't have to deal with the daily chores! At least Simeon is happier when he's with other kids and therefore doesn't ask me if he can watch a video all day long!
Of course it isn't all bad or crazy. I have great kids that I love to pieces. Simeon brings me so much joy. He is at a very fun age and is learning so many new things all the time. He can now say his full name as well as his sister's full name. And he can spell his first name. He can sing the alphabet and count to 20 in English, 10 in Bulgarian. He recognizes all his letters and numbers 1-10. His language is getting clearer every day (thankfully!) and his abstract thinking and sentence structure is growing. We have alot of fun wrestling, playing play-doh, coloring, and "helping" mommy. He loves his sister SO much and tries so hard to be gentle with her. Esther is beautiful and her smile warms me up inside. She is very content most of the time to lie on her back and bat at her toys or bounce in her jolly jumper. She sucks her thumb which is so cute. And she listens for my voice and watches my every move, cranking her head to see if I am still in sight! She is an excellent sleeper at night (last night sleeping from 11-8:15am without so much as a stir) and takes several naps during the day. She usually cooperates and naps at the same time as Simeon so that I can get a rest too! Unlike her brother, it does not hurt to breastfeed her and she usually doesn't cry in the car. She also loves her brother and smiles at him frequently, except when he is squeezing the life out of her!
So, although life is much busier and sometimes even overwhelming, I wouldn't trade my babies for anything. I know things could be easier, if we had chosen to space our kids more or waited until after Deyan was done school or if we lived closer to family, but I am very happy with the life we have chosen/God has blessed us with. And although now is definitely not the time, I will gladly welcome another member to add to our family's chaos a few years down the road! :)
ahh this post melted my heart...i miss you guys!!!!
give those two little buttons kisses from aunt CourT
Dee, the reality post.
Awesome to hear where you are at. Crazy to think this is my reality just around the corner. I'm glad you're in my life to share it with!
Kids are truly amazing.
It is good to hear how you are doing and how life is with another family member!
I'm totally enjoying getting to know you more!
the momtchilov munchkins!!!! they are adorable!
Hello my beautiful family!
Ahhhh... I miss you guys soooo much! It's unbelievable how much less exciting my life has been since you guys left:( Hopefully we won't have to wait so long to see you guys! Tell the whole family auntie Maddie says hi:)
I love you my lovelies!
What amazing kids other than they are sometimes a handful but, I so agree how could you trade them? They are just to cute to trade for anything. I miss you guys so bad and so please send my love to everyone.
I remember those crazy, busy months after the birth of the second baby.
You described it very well!
I also remember saying to myself, "this too shall pass". (repeatedly)
You are doing a great job, and you have great kids.
It doesn't hurt that they are so cute either.
Sounds like my house too! It's so tiring but so wonderful! I too like to "get out of the house"... it just helps once in a while. Sam at 4 still hugs Audrey until her eyeballs budge, I guess we can't complain! It's nice that you're relishing their milestones and enjoying being in the moment!
Recently, life took a new manageable speed when Audrey turned 1 and Sam started half days at Montessori. I have time to Breathe now!
It was really nice to finally see Esther in person on Wed. Your children are beautiful!
Take care
I awakened from my post hibernation....and decided to begin again hehe ... a lil sketchy, i haven't written in a while! But hopefully this one'll get me back into the swing of things
love you! i saw new pictures tonight from the jumper thing ... esther's a tank! haha she's huge! give her a kiss for me! (and of course...the boy as well) :)
It is so good to hear what's going on in your life! I, too, am really enjoying getting to know you more! And your kids are priceless!
I had a dream last night and your family was in it...I think it may have been you and Simeon chanting "Momtchilov! Momtchilov! Momtchilov!" I just remembered it when reading this post. So funny and kinday weird.
Have a great day!
I miss you guys like heck
My 2 lil favouritest kids in the galaxy are growing up sooo fast....
Auntie KT sends kisses
Hi Dee -
Sounds like things are going well with you, Deyan and the kids. I was sorry I didn't get a chance to see you when you were home. I feel like I haven't stopped since I came home from Halifax in December!
Take care,
Hi Dee... I'm sorry to post this here, but I've gone and lost your email. I'm coming to Winnipeg on Wednesday and would love to see you... Not sure how much time I'll have. I'm doing a Cd release show on Saturday, Feb 25th, at Vesuvio Restaurant at 9pm (late, I know. You can bring Esther though) The door charge is $5. I'll try to call...Could you email me with your phone number?
much love from kim
new email:
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