Update on my life...

The grad dinner was nice. It was fun to get dressed up and have a night to ourselves. The food was pretty good and there was lots of it! I was disappointed with the dance (or lack thereof) but otherwise had fun. We stopped in at the afterparty at a club downtown. It was in a beautiful building that used to be a bank. But I realized again how much I dislike the atmosphere in bars. We didn't stay long, besides it was too loud in there to talk to anyone! Poor Esther (or should I say poor Julia and Tyler) didn't do so well. She took her bottle without too much fuss, but she was pretty miserable all evening. I'm beginning to be quite concerned about her. She hasn't been herself in 2 weeks. She never smiles anymore and has become quite lethargic. I will wait for the urine sample results (yes, we finally got a few drops in to be tested) and then go from there I guess. Please pray for her (and me - it's been such a long time to go with a clingy baby who also isn't sleeping well).
Saturday we took Tyler for some Nucci's gelati. Yum! And spent the rest of the day/evening relaxing as much as possible. I woke up Sunday morning to a phone call from Tara's husband. The baby was on the way! This consumed me all day Sunday and Monday. It was a very long and difficult labour for all of us (mostly for Tara of course!). I've been a doula now for nearly 7 years and I've attended somewhere between 1 and 200 births, but this was different. I was an emotional wreck! Now I understand why we tell our clients that, although a mom/sister is a great support for you in labour, it really is important to have someone objective there as well. There were moments throughout the process that I just wanted them to do a cesarean and relieve her already! It's hard to explain. I'm just so glad I wasn't her only support! Tara, on the other hand, was amazing and triumphantly birthed a precious little baby.
So I missed the releasing of Sanctuary House of Prayer from WCV and poor Tyler had to spend most of his champagne birthday watching the kids (with Mercy's help). We plan to take him out to dinner to celebrate tomorrow instead. I think that's all for now!
you look beautiful deanna!
soooooo - what did tara have?????
you look GORGEOUS! yahhhh...tara had...a baby....what kind?! hehe
ps...praying for little esther.
I'm not at liberty to share info on Tara's baby until I have permission! :) I haven't talked to her yet today, sorry guys!
Great way to spend a b-day huh Ty??
You are all so perdy in the pic of you and Dey lovely sister!!! Congrats Tara!
Love ya and say hi to the kids.
P.s. praying for esther
what a beautiful couple you two are! I am proud of you Dey, in your great accomplishment... I shall continue praying for Esther
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