Pictures from the Lake
We had a wonderful time at Lake of the Woods a couple of weekends ago. I'm finally getting a chance to post some photos! We are always very grateful to John and Violet for inviting us! And it's always so much fun to hang out with Jocelyn and her family!
Do you see the deer? Simeon did!

Fishing boat ride
Ionka and Esther Iova

The little swimmer!

Tyler and Deyan did some daring cliff jumping

Uncle Tyler and Simba

John even let Simeon drive the big boat!

Nice boat, eh?

Ionka and Violet

Chillin' in the hammocks

Jocelyn picnicing among the boys and the little queen!

Breakfast together!

Sim loved being all by himself on the boat!

Swimmer boy thought the lake water was very cold! But he hung in there!

The float plane dock is always very exciting!

Baba and her babies in the beautiful cabin!
Life at the lake is wonderful!
I am sure you enjoyed yourselves, you look very happy in the photos.
man, all these pictures you're posting is just too much! tears!
hehe i remember the lake....and swimming with trampoline....'nuff said
love fact, i might call you tonight, it's been too long i think
great pic's deanna!
hey - where do you find one of those chair things that esther was sitting in? those are NEAT!
Ruth - Bumbo's are for sale at A Child's Place and apparently Walmart! And there's always E-bay...
I am seriously speechless!
I miss you all so bad. Tyler, you will be glad to know that I brought back your boggie-board in one piece!! lol
Family Camp was so amazing and very hot.
xxxxxxxxx's & oooooooo's
p.s. We need to come to Winnipeg sometime and go to the lake!
I love coming to your blog. It's always so photos and in description!
It's so great that you post so many pictures. I need to do that more often. It looks like you had a great time!
Great family photos, looks like some great memories!
Love the bumbo, did you cave and buy one?
Been meaning to call, hopefully this week I can connect with you to catch up on your life.
Your kids are so adorable. Favorite photos... the one of Esther in the jolly jumper and Sim peeking thru, Esther and daddy on the boat, Sim in the water on his own tube.
Life does get better doesn't it?
Wowh, that was so need to see your photo's. Yeah, just like everyone already wrote.. we too love your family.. you guys are great!
Shalom, Pauline
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