8 months ago...

...I was curled up in bed with my brand new baby girl, thanking God for a fast and uncomplicated birth with perfect timing, gazing at her beauty, overwhelmed with gratitude that I was no longer pregnant...you get the drift! :)
Yes, our sweet little Esther turned 8 months old at 8:04am today. She no longer weighs 8lbs 8oz, though. At her last weigh-in 6 weeks ago

Esther is such a playful, happy, patient baby. Sure, she has her moments, but generally she gives us plenty to smile about! Simeon and her are really starting to play together more. No one can make Esther laugh like her brother and vice-versa. This is so rewarding - especially during the tough moments when he's sitting on her head! Now, if I could just get her back to a better sleeping pattern at night...
Anyways, I know people always brag about their kids on-line, so I won't bore you anymore. But I am so proud of my babies and wanted to share my joy with all of you! :)

she's such a gorgeous little girl! love the smiles!
you gave me a scare there...when you said you were no longer pregnant in comparison to now....I thought an announcement was coming!!
I am about to start crying!! What a proud aunt you have made me, Deanna and Deyan. That was such a beautiful picture of Deyan and Esther. I think I need that vacation to Winnipeg like you said Dee.
I am without a doubt so excited for Christmas so that I can see you again.
Loving you all,
I am one friggin' proud auntie!
Kristi - uh...NO! :)
Oh Deanna! That picture of them with the jolly jumper is SO good. You should get that framed for sure.
How's the play pen? Helping at all? Good to see you guys the other day.
Well, that was good for a big cry! I don't know how I am living without you all. The most beautiful babies in the world, hands down. You all look so happy and peaceful. God is sooo good to you guys but then He always has been. I am so proud of you, Dee and Dey, you are wonderful parents, people, Christians, friends etc.etc.
Sing to my babies for me?
Mom xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
BRAG AWAY dear deanna. YOUR BABIES are beautiful.
i agree with you. xoxo
She is beautiful.
I am sorry I missed her dedication on Sunday but thanks for emailing us.
I will phone you later on.
OH MY GOSH....ESTHER IS SOOOOOO CUTE. (I am a little behind the times...I am just seeing the pictures now) Simeon of corse is gorgeous as well...he just hasn't changed as much as Esther. Cute, cute cute.
Hey, like Kristi, I thought an announcement might be coming....hopefully we wouldn't have to read your blog to hear about it...lol.
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