What to say...
I always think of so many things throughout the week that I want to post on my blog and then when I finally get a chance to sit down and write something, I am speechless! Maybe some pictures will jog my memory...

For my birthday we made a trip to Gimli. Unfortunately it was cold and rainy so it was hard to appreciate the atmosphere! Deyan had told Simeon, however, that we were going to see the "Big Viking". He was very excited (thinking somehow it would be connected to Veggie Tales) and was rather disappointed that this statue was "the Viking".

He was very happy to play on the beach though! It was fun to watch Dada and Uncle Tyler 'skipping' stones in the lake. And we all enjoyed our fish and chips for lunch! We took a nice scenic drive home - saw lots of pelicans! Stopped for ice cream, had supper and birthday cake, went to housegroup and had more birthday cake...ya, not a great day to be on a diet!

Baba arrived on Friday and we spent most of Saturday together at the Forks. (Notice how there are rarely any pictures of me? This is because I'm always taking them! And when Deyan takes any, he seems to prefer the scenery around us so we all end up as small as ants!)

Since the moment Baba arrived, Simeon has been asking her to take him to the water to swim with his hippo. You see, last summer we spent a month in Bulgaria including a week on the Black Sea shore where Sim really enjoyed the waves! So, since it's not quite beach weather here, we decided to go to PanAm pool for a swim with the kids! They both really enjoyed it. Simeon took a couple of tumbles underwater but got up and kept going! I hope that means he'll be a good swimmer - no fear! :)

We also went to the Pancake House for lunch. Sim, Baba and I were spent and nearly falling asleep at the table. But not Esther! She was her happy, energetic self! :) She is sitting really well now (still topples sometimes) and LOVES to eat! She gets so excited when she sees me bringing the plate and spoon! Her favorite so far is definitely the sweet potato.
Well, I think I will go to bed now. The architectural job didn't work out for Deyan for the summer, but there is promise for the fall. He and Tyler still need jobs so please pray for that. My work is picking up now too. Good thing Baba is here to help with the kiddies! :)
Hey Dee!
Great pics of the kids and Tyler, Baba/Ionka,and Dey!
(you too though i can't really see you:))
I will try to remember to pray for the jobs and please pray for me because I have a HUGE Math Assesment test on Monday and Tuesday.
Thanks and Love and miss ya so kiss the kiddies for me
P.S. Missing ya Ty
Great pics! I didn't know it was your birthday? When and how old?
Beautiful family. Loved the pic of Esther at the table!! What's not to love about food?
Hope all is well.
Great pics!! Happy belated Dee!!
Happy Birthday.
I didn't know Yonka was here.
Can we have a play date and have her come along?
I love when she prays, its so powerful.
I can also give you the CDs that Joyska sent.
That picture of Esther is too cute!
Heya Dee!
Looks like you guys are having all sorts of adventures in Winnipeg. Tyler is looking pretty scruffy... tell that kid to get a job and a haircut! Just kidding :)
Hope your Monday went well, and have a wonderful week!
Yeah, when was your birthday?! Those Gimli fish & chips are great , eh?
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