Sorry for the Silence!

Yes, it has been awhile. I would say that I've been really busy...which I have...sort of! But I do have the boys around all the time to help, so it's probably more an issue of fighting for our turn on the computer! :)
So, not much is new around least not very exciting! Esther is all better! Hooray! Please continue to pray that it was just a random infection and that all the other tests come back negative. She is rolling around, creeping backwards, and sitting up (mostly unassisted). She is 'talking' more these days, in a deep voice which is pretty funny. She even said, "mama" on mother's day! Her uncle and brother seem to be able to get the best giggles out of her too! We've given her a few tastes of solid food which she surprisingly wasn't very into. She's not super keen on banana and avacado, likes rice (her first taste of thai food -haha), and squash. I'm not being totally diligent right now (she is just over 6 months old) but I'm also not doing the 'wait 5 days before trying new foods'. We don't have any food allergies and so far I'm only feeding her easy-to-digest stuff so I'm not worried.
Tyler is still jobless, but he has been having lots of fun hanging out with us, especially Deyan...the other jobless one! We've been enjoying the downtime and showing Ty around the city a bit. We went to our favorite Thai restaurant for Mother's Day and took the kids to the zoo yesterday. We hope he finds a job he likes and sticks around for awhile, but he may get sick of us and move to Alberta to join the boom there instead. :) We'll keep you posted!
Deyan had a job interview on Monday with a great architectural firm. They are not currently looking for students to hire, however they were impressed with Dey and may still consider him for a position as an 'experienced' technician. It would be a steep learning curve for him, but would offer a great opportunity to gain some experience and work towards his certification as an architect. It might not be the most fun job for him because he probably won't be able to do alot of design work. It would be more related to technical drafting. But he's still excited about it. It would bring a bit of security for us in the next season as we hope to buy a home soon!
I'm getting busier with work stuff, especially with all the new babies joining our own group! It's a busy season for Birth Roots and there's always lots to do! I didn't mention it, but Tara and Richard named their little boy Bryce (the cute one in the picture below). I'm having fun with the kids, Sanctuary House of Prayer, mother's day, birthday, etc.
Simeon is cute as always. He has learned the art of stalling, which is not so fun for us! He has a whole little bedtime routine which I don't mind too much. But once he's in bed, I would expect him to settle down and instead I hear things like: "I need tigger and junior and bob tomato and blankies...etc. (all said one at a time). I've gotten smarter and started putting everything in his little bed at once and when he asks just telling him they're all there! So now he says, "I need to go poo!" Ah yes, the potty training is still not really happening. All I have to say about that is "whatever". So we've tried getting him out and sitting him on the potty to ENCOURAGE the potty training when he asks to go poo. This however also ENCOURAGEs the stalling! He ends up just sitting there and goofing off until we put him back to bed 15 minutes later. And he won't poo that night at all so I know it was just a trick! Little monkey. The other new thing he is doing is negotiating. This isn't something he has been taught so it's pretty interesting to watch! We'll feed him supper and tell him he needs to finish x amount of bites before he can be all done (or get dessert). Usually it's 5, depending on the situation. So the other day he says, "No, I eat 1 bite." I replied, "No Sim, you need to eat 5 bites if you want ice cream." To which he answered, "2 bites?" I had to laugh and let him get away with only 4!
Other than that...Deyan's mom arrives in 2 days! We will be blessed to have her with us for 2 months. She hasn't met Esther yet and Simeon has been missing her so it should be lots of fun!
AW! They are so cute! Deanna, you are so blessed. I am so glad to hear that things are going so well for you. I hope we can get together soon. I can't wait to meet Esther and see Simeon.
Well, although your update are few and far between (ahem!), they are of exceptional quality. Thanks for the window into your life. You really are a vivid and captivating writer, Deanna.
Love from the left coast,
Sounds like things are fun and busy with two kids. They are pretty cute!! I'll have to send you some pics of the twins - they are now 7 months old.
Wow little Esther is growing up. I keep thinking of her the size she was when she was here.
Maybe Simeon is going to be a lawyer and he is showing signs of it already lol. I remember those 'turn your face away while you laugh" at those naughty but funny moments.
my... 2 gorgeous children... a brother.... a husband... a business... AND a mother in law... are you sure you don't want to come visit me?
I hope your Birthday was AWESOME!!! I wish I could have been there to celebrate with you... maybe i'll come home in August and we can celebrate mine together... now there is an idea!
I called on the 18th but, you weren't home. to tell ya the truth dad remembered and we all forgot!! We are so mean!
the kids look great hope you all have fun with Ionka and i hope to see you all soon
Simeon is such a funny kid to keep making excuses and saying just 2 bites?
glad your baby is better. what a sweet sweet pic! i love bathtub poses! xo
i remember bath times with my own....BROTHER!!! ha! (we were kinda like esther and simeon in age )
hey dee! i'm sorry i wasn't able to email or anything until now....i was at work writing the date and freaked out saying "it's my sister's birthday!!!"....i got a funny look or two hehe
HAPPY BELATED! love you!
It is soooo good to have an update even tho' we talk lots!
I check here whenever I have 2 minutes to check my can tell others felt the same way as you have 11 comments on your entry!!
I should scan the pic of you and Ty in the tub so you can post it.hehe
Boy would I ever like to be there with you all and Ionka but then, where would you put me? Could I sleep with my nicest boy?
Exciting news about Dey's possible job...we will pray.
Love and miss you my son.
Mom xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
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