Fun in the Sun!
It has been a busy week around here! We are enjoying the beautiful weather as much as possible while the guys are without work and Ionka is visiting.

Last Saturday we went garage sale hunting in a nice neighbourhood and came home with Simeon's first tricycle! He was VERY excited about it and we only had to pay $5! (Deyan was also excited about his purchase of a wine kit!)
We spent the rest of our Saturday doing some house organizing and watching episodes from the first season of "Lost" (our new favorite evening past-time). Sunday was also busy as we went to Danielle and Ryan's farm to celebrate one of Sim's friends, Reuben's 2nd birthday! We don't have any pictures but it was lots of fun seeing the horses (including a new foal) and kittens and tractor as well as running around outside, playing ball and eating yummy food! The only downside was Tyler bringing home a couple of wood ticks! He was NOT impressed! (Come to thi

Personally, I've been very busy this week with business meetings, teaching, prenatal visits, church meetings, etc. I've been out every evening for as long as I can remember!
Thursday was Deyan's Convocation. It was pretty boring, but I was SO proud of him that I went, kids in tow, to sit through the hours of blah blah just so I could hear his name announced and watch him receive his diploma. Unfortunately, the portable DVD player I had brought for Sim ran out of batteries and the only plug-in available made the stage not visible for me. Oh well. I did watch Dey walk to the front and I did cheer very loudly when they said his name! :) He says that as hard as he worked, this degree is just as much mine for all the sacrifices I've been willing to make for him along the way. What a guy! Did I mention he brought home a dozen rozes for me the other day...just because? I am so thankful to have such a wonderful husband who really loves me with all his heart. And I am SO GLAD IT'S FINALLY OVER!!! Dey's mom and Tyler came along as well. Ionka is very proud of her son! Tyler also deserves a huge congratulations because he just graduated from the University of New Brunswick with a bachelor's of business administration this spring. He missed his convocation because he was here with us (not that he really minded - the pomp and circumstance that is) so we were able to celebrate his achievements as well. We all went to eat at a nice German restaurant. Yummy schnitzel!

Yesterday we d

Today I had a birth to go to. Baba helped Dada with the kiddies. It wasn't too lon

Oh, I almost forgot! Esther cut her first 2 teeth this week! She did pretty well with them. She is having lots of fun making new noises these days, trying new foods, learning some signs/words. So fun! One of her favorite things to do is still the jolly jumper - and boy can she get air!
okay you have been busy... that explains why i never see you on line any more! I miss ya girl...and those adorable little ones that grace your blog!
Congratulations Deyan! I knew you could and would do it with style!
You too tyler! what now boys?
I wish i could be there with you to celebrate.
Hopefully someday! :)
You do sound like you had a full week! I hope you get some relaxation!
wow!!! what a week! i thought i was busy....! we'll be praying for you guys /re job. love you
you have a bumbo!!! i love those. they are so perfect!! love the pics
Hey my beautiful fam
Those pics are killin' me! So precious, Dey I am so proud of you and you too Dee for the same reason that Dey said. Ty, you better get a professional buzz for that Suncor interview! A little shaggy my boy! It's so wonderful to see you enjoying the fam and I am sure they are blessed to have you too. My oh my you are very busy Daughter!
Kisses for my nicest boy and Nana's prettiest little girl please. Hi Ionka!
Love you
I love your blog, Deanne.. just the way you write about life and your children.. Makes me love them even more (and ofcourse you guys.
So cool that Ionka is in Canada eh! Yeah, life is good...and bussy.. and great.. and bussy... and a blessing.. and bussy... and.. I only have one child at the moment. Lord, have grace over me...
Shalom, Pauline
DEEEEEEE!!! Only 7 more sleeps till me and the clan are in the states.... John looked at a quickie flight to Canada but we would be left with just $2.50 to spend after that.... so no won't be this trip!!
Kids are Beeeauuuuutifulll - isn't two just a FANTASTIC age... Amelia has been a doll for 5 days... ate all her dinner without John and I wanting to adopt her out... is helpful, cleans up, sleeps till 7am! Just waiting to see if it is a long term thing or she is just having me on.... Well done Dey on the graduating... yah!
Miss ya
Ro and the gang
Wow, what a full life you lead! Glad it's so full of positive things these days!
So... where did you get the first season of lost?
Sorry I missed you too. Coming out to Winnipeg next week wed-sat(probably) maybe i can drop by...
Did Danielle and Ryan have a kid??? like 2 years ago??? or different danielle (old last name Dagg?)
And who is Bryce? I guess I could just call but by the time I pick up the phone I'd forget all my questions!
congrats Deyan on your degree. What a proud moment for you all!
Rhonda - Downloading LOST 2 episodes/time. Just watched the season finale last night.
Same Danielle, no child (though they do foster parenting).
Bryce is Tara (my business partner)'s baby.
Yes, I would love to see you next week! Call me.
Rochelle - But you'll be SO close! :(
Everyone else - thanks for your comments - I love reading them and knowing that someone reads this blog! :)
Of course I read the blog!!!
What an idea that I wouldn't:):):)
I love my neice and nephew (kisses please) Missing you other brother (Tyler) well really missing you all!!
Love ya
hey dee, well i'm home from my trip now and came here to check up on y'all and see what you've been up to, only to find.....nothing. no news. at all. can you tell I'm disappointed? hopefully that means you've been too busy having fun. love j
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