Let's Go to the Ex, oh Baby!

We're back! It's been a busy couple of weeks! So, first things first! We made a last minute decision to take the kids to the Red River Exhibition - on opening day! It was really fun and actually didn't cost anything to bring them. I think we were supposed to buy ride tickets for Simeon, but they just kept letting us get on with our bracelets. Anyways, we had great fun (even though Esther was sick). Sim is just like his mother - he loves the big rides! :) He had no fear. The big slide was the one I was most worried about, and if you can tell in his picture, he seemed pretty nervous! But as soon as he got to the bottom he started crying to go back down it!
Esther, meanwhile was content as long as she was in mommy's arms. She'd had an unexplained fever for 2 days and we assumed it was another UTI. We jumped the gun and started antibiotics right away while waiting for the urine test results (to avoid the horrible sickness she experienced last time and to prevent kidney damage). Anyone who knows me knows that's not like me to resort to drugs so quickly! Anyway, her fever broke that night after the Ex and 2 days later she broke out in a rash all over her body. So, no infection, of course - just Roseola (baby measles)! I should have known - she's at the perfect age for it. Oh well! We stopped the meds and she was back to her happy self within a couple of days. Thank you God! She is beginning to use some baby sign-language these days which is very cute and helpful for me! She is also creeping everywhere which means we have to keep a close eye on her! She can get herself stuck in alot of funny places in our little apartment! And then there's her big brother to watch out for...
Well, Baba took the kids home from the Ex at bedtime and left Deyan, Tyler and I to play! It was fun to have a few hours to feel like kids again - riding scary rides, eating fair food, etc. Deyan even won an electric scooter by ringing a duck! He was pretty happy with new toy! He spent a couple of hours the next morning spicing it up to make it sturdier. He took both kids for rides on it. I was about to take their pictures, when Tyler took it for a spin and accidentally drove it into a groove which snapped the handle off! Bummer! Deyan is hoping he can get it welded back together. Don't worry, Tyler's okay! :)
Sounds like you had a lot of fun!
How was the weekend away?
Here I sit in the Saint John Library, smiling like a dork all by myself. I just got off work so I decided to come up this way for a bit before I head north, and I'm glad I did...because seeing all your beautiful faces brightened my day. I think i'll go blog, maybe....no guarantees hehe :)
i love you! we need to have a girly chat soon!
I was wondering where your posts were!!! Finally! Sound like you guys had a great time at the Ex! Nice one Tyler!! Hope you could fix the scooter, Dey. Glad to see Simeon enjoyed the rides and everything!! That was cute of him and Tyler in the swing.
Love you all
Dee my mom's nubmer is 697-3378
I'm sorry we didnt' connect... we left in a bit of a hurry on our last day and I couldn't fit all my wants into the time frame. great pics of you guys at the ex. i was actually going to get her to bring it to me and I was planning on mailing it to you!!! So if you don't connect with her this week we'll try an alternative route!
Hope you had fun at the cottage
hey deanna! love the pics. love the sling! i want to make one....did you make yours? i got a pattern via ang on the net. yahoo.
Simeon doesn't look overly excited in that petting zoo pic... Didn't he like the sheep?
Dee, just wanted to let you know that your comments on my blog are very encouraging. Hope to see you soonish...
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