It's a girl!!!

We proudly welcome Esther Iova into our family, born at home at 8:04 this morning. She is beautiful! She weighs 8lbs 8oz (3800g) and is 21 1/4" long (54cm). Mom and babe are doing great. Dad is a bit tired, but thrilled, and big brother Simeon is absolutely enamored with his little sister! More details to follow soon, I'm sure, but for now, here a couple of pictures! :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Deanna we're so happy for you guys. Guess Sim was right, how prophetic... my heart is just so excited and filled with joy for you! We love you.
Marlese, Chris and Ben!!
Congrats! We are so excited for you! Shane thought you were having your baby last night, so we prayed as we were going to bed! That's awesome that you went into labor after trying for the last few weeks! Awesome! Can't wait to see her!
Yea! Congratulations! You pretty much did dance that baby out!
Bless you guys and your beautiful baby girl!
She is so precious! Congratulations! What a beautiful baby girl!
(all that dancing really worked hey?!) ;)
Congratulations Dee, Dey and Simeon!! Much happiness! Diana
AHHHHH!!! you have a princess!!! so so so happy for you. praise God. xoxoxo
you have once again made me a proud nana!
She is absolutely amazing and we bless the prophetic gift in Simeon to glorify the Lord.
She looks like an exact, tho' feminine replica of Simeon...I mean totally!
Babymoon together for the next few many as Dey can have....and we will all be praising God together for His goodness and faithfulness. Oh how I wish I could be there with you Dee but I simply cannot go there or I will surely lose it. Ya done beautiful my daughter...God, youm and Dey make gorgeous babies!
Kisses for my nicest boy please. Way to go you Dey! I have thanked you several times over for being the most incredible son-in-law a mother could ever ask for, right?
She is beautiful! Glad to hear you are doing so well, and that Sim is relating so well.
Thank you everyone!
Welcome baby Esther!
(Queen Esther!)
Your brother told us you were coming and we sort of believed him but we weren't exactly sure!
I'm glad he was right, you are a girl and you are an Esther!
Welcome to the world beautiful one!
Congratulations Deanna and Deyan!
What a beautiful little girl!! What a great surprise on checking your blog... I totally screamed!
Congratulations proud parents. Enjoy your little Esther.
Long live Queen Esther!!! Congratulations Gahanna and Deyan! She's so adorable. I can't wait to see her in a couple of weeks! I'm gonna take her out for sushi! Can she eat sushi yet?
Tons of Blessings - Chuck
Esther is beautiful! What a fantastic strong name! Please accept our heartfelt congratulations to you, Deyan, Simeon and now little Esther!
With affection!
Nila, Jerry, Grey and Quin
what a beautiful neice you have given me!
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