Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Potty Breakthrough!

This morning, while I was doing my dishes, Simeon was playing on the floor and gave me a funny look. I asked him what was up and he said, "potty?" I was a bit skeptical, but decided to take him to the potty.

To give you some background, he has been peeing on the potty or toilet, off and on, since he was 6 months old. I'm not super consistent, but he definitely knows how to release his bladder when I ask him to. More recently, we can sometimes go all day with a dry diaper if I keep on top of him and take him to the potty every hour or so. He does not tell me when he needs to go, so I figure that's the next step. As for pooping, well, he used to go no problem on the pot, but lately he much prefers to go in his diaper. If I notice it happening and invite him to the bathroom, he just says no and/or holds it in. So I'm not pushing it. Yesterday he started to go in his diaper so I took him quickly to the potty. He sat there for over 1/2 an hour, singing and talking, but never did finish the job.

So, back to this morning. I stripped him down and sat beside him on the bathroom floor. He proceeded to talk and sing to me for at least 1/2 an hour. I was really trying to be patient since it was his initiation to go. I asked him a few times if he was all done, but he kept saying, "poop, potty". So I waited. He peed but still didn't want to get up. I was beginning to get concerned he would get cold, being naked and all, but again, decided to just be patient. After all, maybe he just really wanted some one-on-one attention. At one point I left him for a few minutes to go finsh a couple of things in the kitchen. I thought maybe if he had some privacy he could go. But he called me back, so back I went.

FINALLY, he stopped talking and singing, put his concentration into it and pooped! He was so proud of himself as he stood up and said, "Treat! Treat!" You see, he knows there is a connection with potty success and treats, but is a bit confused at what a treat is. He kept pointing to his poop and saying "treat!" Anyways, I gave him a chocolate and we did the whole flushing ritual. It was very exciting.

So, I know he's only 22 months and I don't have huge expectations, but it was encouraging none the less! He hasn't asked to use the potty since, and I've been too busy blogging to take him there! ;) Oh well, we'll start fresh again after lunch.


At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dee. good to hear that my little man is pooping again. remember that one day when it was all over the floor? that was funny. not so much fun, but i laughed. i remember you were having a hard day then too. don't you worry. you'll be here soon with another baby. you probably won't even get to see simeon once you guys get here. he'll be so swarmed. can't wait!
brother/uncle jordan

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Deanna Momtchilov said...

O, Jordan, that was such a frustrating experience, eh? Oh well, it's all laughable now. And I think Simeon will be thrilled with all the attention he's going to get from all of you! Now, if I can only get a flight...

At 12:13 AM, Blogger Rochelle, John and Amelia said...

Heee Heee - Oh what kindred spirits we are Dee. Just think - that someone on the OTHER side of the world is going through the SAME thing as you and the pooper - except my little pooper is a girl!
Amelia did the most disgusting poop in a Scrapbooking store last week! (In her knickers). I used up all their toilet roll and she left such a stink I had to walk out without my goodies - she now calls it the Toilet shop! Oh the joys. Can't wait to see when that November baby comes. Oh I have a blogspot now (its catching) I think it is Two Peaches and a pip - just type in our names it will come up somewhere!
Take care my beautiful pregnant friend x x

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Deanna Momtchilov said...

I got it, Loraleigh, thanks! Pregnancy brain - I had completely forgotten that I had lent it to you!
About the potty, I was considering giving Sim a book while I finished the dishes, but decided it would be a really bad precedent to start!!!
And I'm really hoping the spicy Thai food will work tonight, cuz I really don't want to do the castor oil!

At 4:16 PM, Blogger Erica said...

Way to go Simeon!


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