The Arrival

No, not the baby (I wish) and not my mother-in-law (at least not until midnight tonight), but my birth pool has arrived! Yay! This is what it looks like. I've been anxiously awaiting this for some time now and was beginning to get a bit nervous that it wouldn't get here in time. Well, it's here, and now we have to figure out how to set it up and where! Our place is not very big so it's not like we can get it ready and put it in a room somewhere until the birth. There is no such room. We may set it up and fill it for a "practice" run, though. It would be nice to get in some water, even just to feel buoyant for awhile! And I'm sure Simeon would be pretty excited to take a swim in his living room! So, now that it's here, I'm sure one of two things will happen:
a) All of the prelabour stuff I've been feeling the past couple of days will intensify and I will go into labour tonight, knowing the pool is available.
b) Knowing the pool is here, my mind and body will relax and I won't go into labour for another few weeks!
Personally, I'm hoping for option A!
Let's see what else is new...I had a sleepover party with some girlfriends at the church last night. It was really fun! We ate lots, played games, got to know a few new faces, and watched a movie. Okay, so the movie wasn't awesome or anything, but it was still a great time. The only downside to the event was the air mattress I had borrowed had a slow leak. Waking up at 5:30am because my hip bone was embedded into the hardwood floors didn't feel too good. I actually got up and pumped the mattress up again! But by 9am it was flat all over. Oh well, it's not like I'm sleeping that great these days anyway! Deyan and Simeon had some fun times together at home too.
My MIL is arriving tonight for a couple of weeks. This was an unexpected visit, but a definite answer to prayers. My mom was supposed to come here in November for a few weeks and it fell through last minute. I was a bit apprehensive about how I was going to find the energy to do all the preparations I needed to do before the birth, and find the postpartum support for afterwards. Well, with Ionka here, I'm sure we will get lots done and hopefully she will even get to meet her grandchild before she goes back to the Ukraine!
That's all for now, I guess. I still don't have any new pregnancy pics or even recent shots of Simeon. I've got to steal Dey's camera one of these days when I know he won't need it at school!
Keep checking often for baby news! Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later! :)
Glad to hear the pool has arrived! Now have that baby, eh?!
Nice to chat with you last night! Hope all goes very well with the arrival of both baby and mother-in-law!
Oh Dee--I didn't know your mom's visit fell through!!! What a DRAG!!! I know you must be really upset about that, and she must be too. Glad the pool is there--birth away!!
Thanks, Kristi! I had lots of fun the other night!
Julia, it does really suck. But hopefully everything will still work out okay. Lots of prelabour stuff happening, so you could hear some news soon! Although I really should wait until after my course is finished this coming weekend!
I'll pray its sooner than later!
(While your MIL is here!!!)
Dee love the tub. It is so much deeper than your first. Much happier birthing (and warmer) I assume. What's the countdown at now? How's Simeon sleeping as of late?
Rhonda, officially, I am 37 weeks pregnant. But I'm really hoping that baby will come soon! Sim is sleeping well, except for a cough which just started yesterday. Grrr...
just dropped by to say hi and I know God's timing will be perfect...with Rachel it didn't feel soon enough, but it was perfect.
Wow, Deanna, you're 37 weeks. If you'll let me, I'd like to mom/doula/midwife you here for a sec. Hang on there, girl! It is too soon to get into that "this could be THE day" routine. (I hope you don't start to cry as you read this but) you could easily be pregnant for another month. I know you know that it will be sooooo much harder if you stay pregnant even another week if you indulge those "maybe baby today" thoughts. And if you do have the baby sooner rather than later, it will still be a nice surprise. I would just hate for you to be discouraged and disappointed and angry if you're still pregnant at 39 weeks, because in the scheme of things--that's still "early!" I know how uncomfortable you are and how anxious you are for this birth to happen, and I am hoping right along with you that you will have the baby soon. But I get so worried when I hear about moms letting themselves into the "due" space this early. My hope for you is that you pray for the happy surprise that you have the baby soon, but are prepared and peaceful about going right to term, or beyond.
Sending you love and pain-free hips from the west coast,
I really enjoyed getting to know you better at the sleepover. Sorry to hear your air mattress kept deflating! And, I will definately keep checking back here to see if there is any baby news!
Wow the time is quickly approaching, that is so exciting Dee!!! Can't wait to see some new pics of you all. - Joni
Hi Deanna,
I just discovered your blog. Your birthing tub looks awesome!! Is it a one time use or can you use it for your doula practice after??
Kendra, we are going to be renting the pool out after I "christen" it! It has disposable liners to keep it sterile as well as an extra germicidal treatment solution, in case you were wondering. We did a trial run yesterday, setting it up just to see how it would fit in our little place and it really is nice and deep!
Julia, thanks so much for your thoughts. To be honest, as uncomfortable as I am, I'm quite peaceful these days about waiting until baby comes. It's been nice to have Ionka here to help me get prepared and I would actually like to finish my preps if possible! So, after this weekend would be nice, but I'm ok to wait longer...really. I hope not to go past due dates, but mainly because it will mess up my travel arrangements! :)
Oh, Deanna, I know how sensible you are. Might have been trying to talk myself down a bit as I am on tenderhooks waiting for the news!
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