Jordan McSnordan

I've mentioned a few times that my little brother is here with us for a visit. Although he's not so little anymore! Having him here is making me realize more and more how grown up he has become. He just returned from spending 3 months in Mozambique, Africa, doing a mission school. Talking to him about his experiences there and seeing some of his pictures reaffirm to me that whether he realizes it or not, this has permanently impacted his life (in a good way!).
Now, I was almost 8 years old when Jordan was born. Actually, it was his birth that set me on the path I am now on to become a midwife. He was born at home and I was there to see it. I remember visiting my mom's midwife throughout her pregnancy and then seeing her at the birth and in my heart I knew that's what I wanted to do when I grew up.
Growing up, we had our share of sibling stuff, I'm sure, but mostly I remember him being one of the easiest to get along with. He was always very sensitive (still is) and helpful. Even now I am so grateful for his servant's heart that does without asking. It sure has been nice to have him here these last weeks of my pregnancy to help with Simeon and household stuff. I wish he could stay! He loves God very much and wants to please Him. He is a good example to me of humility too. He has no problems owning up to his mistakes, something I often find difficult!
Anyways, we sure are loving spending time with him one on one. It's fun to rediscover your siblings as you all become adults. And Simeon is going to have to go through family separation yet again when he leaves...which totally sucks. He is having lots of fun with Uncle Jodin (as he calls him). Who knows, maybe we'll be able to convince him to come back again soon and stay even longer! Winnipeg isn't such a bad place to live after all. I'm sure the Guse's would love that since they have also adopted him into their family! :)
Oh, and for all you eligible bachelorettes out there, he is a great catch! See for yourself! :)
It is so nice to make friends with your siblings, as adults, isn't it? What a catch, indeed. Too bad he's not 10 years older!!
Yup, He's a keeper all right! It was awesome to talk to you last night Dee, we don't do that enough. Love you
ya, siblings are cool, especially as they grow up! :) right Courtney?
Yes siblings are truly cool and a blessing I agree. :o) What a great pic of Jordan and Simeon.
Jordan and Simeon look a lot alike.
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