Pictures At Last!

Well, as promised, here are the pregnant photos taken a couple of days ago.
It has been an up and down week for me. Tuesday was a pretty rough day. I think I was the worst mother ever to Simeon that day! I was in alot of pain (I have a pinched nerve resulting from the baby sitting in a certain position in my pelvis) and was having difficulty walking or doing anything for that matter. Sim seemed to know something was up and decided to push every button...literally. He is really challenging our authority these days and it is so difficult to be consisitent with the amount of energy I have! Deyan's mom has been here, which has been awesome. She has really helped me get the house ready for this baby. But, bless her, she is such a softy with her grandson! Anyways, I had an emotional breakdown on Tuesday and called Deyan at school in the early evening to ask him to come home. I think reality was setting in on how difficult parenting can be at times and I'm realizing that I'm about to have 2, not just 1 child to raise! It's an exciting but sometimes scary thought, as I lost my patience how many times with Simeon that day? Thankfully he is so forgiving!
Wednesday night/Thursday morning I thought for sure my labour had started. But it petered out in the afternoon and hasn't picked up to the same intensity since. Poor Ionka had to leave on the plane today without getting to meet her newest grandchild! She will be back in the spring, however, and we will share the news as soon as there is any!
Friday, my midwife came over to check on things. Remember how I said last week that I had shrunk? Well, this week I'm right back up to 35cm again! And Cara seems to think it's all baby. Not exactly what I want to hear at this point. I mean, I know the baby needs to continue to grow and be healthy, but I was really hoping for a less than 9lber this time! Oh well, I guess we'll have to just wait and see. But please come soon baby so you're not TOO big! Everything is healthy, though. So continue to send those "Come out baby" thoughts and prayers my way! :)
Ahhh! Man! I thought for sure the baby would have come by now.
I'll just keep praying!
I keep checking to see if there is any baby news! All the best!
How nice to wake up on a rainy, grey, homework-filled Sunday morning and find some beautiful pictures waiting for me! Look at how tall Sim is!! Wow. And Deanna, you are a wonderful mother to Sim, and you will be a wonderful mother to this baby. Losing patience is part of life--you are teaching him about being human, about living in community with others, and about being responsible for your emotions. It isn't always perfect; nor should it be.
Are you going to have the Hallowe'en baby this year? I went to a birth on Hallowe'en last year and one of the midwives came in her costume. It was a lovely birth and the parents thought it was a riot!
Thanks for posting, D.
See you SOON!!
Oh, I seriously hope this baby doesn't come on Halloween! It's not exactly a holiday I like or even really participate in! I had a client whose 1st baby was born on Halloween and this year she gave birth on September 11th! Crazy, eh?
Ok, ok, no Hallowe'en pumpkin for you, then. ;)
You are beautiful!! I can't wait to see you..praying for a baby to make his/her appearance SOON!! love you guys xoxo
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