Friday, November 04, 2005

Sweeping and Hoping!

So, today my midwife came over and did a "stretch and sweep". She said my body is definitely ready, it's just a matter of labour starting! I'm hoping that she "stirred the pot" enough to get things moving along a bit. I feel very ready. In fact, last night I had alot of contractions and even had the "nesting urge"! Some people get an incredible burst of energy before labour begins and want to do funny things, usually related to house cleaning. I never had this with Simeon. But sure enough, even though I was having regular contractions, I had a sudden desire to sweep all the floors in my house, at 11:30pm! I had a hard time going to sleep, so I took a hot bath and had a pretty restless night. But woke up yet again not in labour, unfortunately. Oh well, at least my floors are nice and clean! I may still get down on my hands and knees and scrub them. That might do it! It also might get this baby to be in a more forward position, which would be great. My doulas helped with that by doing a technique called the "diaphramatic release" this afternoon. So, I think I've done everything possible and now I just have to let go and let God! This baby will come when he/she is good and ready. Maybe I'll be posting again later as labour begins, or maybe not. Well, at least I get to participate in the first event of our church's 10th anniversary this weekend. Tonight is a "meet and greet" coffee time where we get to see some of our former pastoral staff. It will be fun, I'm sure, and since I may miss the rest of the weekend, I'm looking forward to it.

So, keep praying! :)


At 3:05 PM, Blogger Rhonda said...

Deanna, funny thing... I had a dream you were in labor last night and had your baby. Fuzzy on the details but I was hoping something had started as I eagerly checked the blog!!! Happy laboring

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Erica said...

That burst of energy MUST mean something!!! Yay! It has to be soon...right?

Cmmmmmmmooooonnnn BABY!

At 7:14 PM, Blogger Roo said...

deanna - the pics of you are beautiful! xo :) i dreamt i had my baby a couple nights ago....but my mom wasn't there (she is planning to be there) so i pushed the baby back in and had it the next night instead!! ack!!!

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Ren said...

Congratulations on your baby, and welcome to the world little Esther :)

- Renee


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