Waiting Sucks!

So, here's the scoop on the house. Everything is moving along, quite smooth actually. We have been approved for the grant which was one of the hassles we were worried would take along time. Now we are just waiting for mortgage approval. We have a mortgage broker who's been excellent at getting things done as quickly as he has control over. The lendor has approved us, but we are still waiting on final word from the mortgage insurance people. It would seem that they have approved us, but they wanted to do an appraisal on the house before confirming anything. This, unfortunately, has been a long and drawn-out process. I really believe everything is going to fall into place - hopefully by tomorrow - but the uncertainty is agonizing!
In the meantime, I've slowly begun to get organized and start packing. I've even had a friend offer to come by weekly to help me while my kids are at the babysitter's! Anyways, I'll try to update as soon as we get the final word!
It looks awesome! I'm so excited for you guys!!!
woo hoo! a new home for the momtchilovs... love it love it love it!
the house looks great dee!
i am very excited for you and though it makes me sad i am glad courtney is finally doing what she has wanted to do for along time, becoming a midwife:)
love you lots and i hope to talk to simoen sometime since it has been forever
congrats on a step closer to your house! good to see you yesterday!
LOVE YOUR HOUSE!!! love the porch.
yah God!
WOW! The house looks awesome, Dee! How I wish I could be there to help my girl move. Be thinking of anything special or specific that you want me to send with Courtney...I got the babes the cutest new hats....send or post pics please. I've got some good news...let's talk by phone.
Love you all Mom xoxoxo
WAHOOOOOOO!! So excited for you girl!! Guess what.... John, Amelia and I move into our FIRST home on the .... wait for it.....8th September (What was that you said about the Number 8!!) Yes prices are obsene here also but God has given us this cute little 50 yr old home with a cute balcony and this most amazing feel to it... found out later a friend's friend lived there before us and she is a prayer warrior.... God is good. Will try and get an email off to you... disneyland was great... HOT miss it already. Next time.. Canada - in the summer - too cold in the winter! Dang those kids look cute - tell that miss Esther that she needs to stop growing...
Love Ya - Ro!
final word? i'm assuming all is well and the house is yours and you are almost pulling your hair out trying to pack, work, pray, church, AND be a mommy! (not necessarily in that order)... I wish I could be there to help too... how bout I pray for you instead? (already do anyway!!)
Congrats on the house! I can't imagine packing with two little ones running around.... You'll be busy (that's probably an understatement). Good luck with the move.
Paula :)
Oh, Dee!!!! A BIG step!!! What a great looking place, lots of characterand about to have lots of characters moving in. I'm so excited for you and Dey and the kids. What a blessing. You rock DEE. Sorry for being such a rotten 'keep in touch' friend and sister...I'm a terrible one for writing and stuff...but... it really doesn't mean I don't still love ya' little sis'. Sooo, this new move will probably but the kybosh (is that how you spell that, oh well, you know what I mean) on a visit home anytime soon?????? We love you...
ps can't retrieve my password for my blogspot so started a new one...here's the addr. www.roseoftherapids.blogspot.com
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