Toddler Philosophy

Yesterday Simeon, Esther and I were playing on my bed. At one point Sim puts his arm around us and whispers what I thought was 'I love you'. So I replied, "We love you too Simeon!" He then sat down and said with much enthusiasm, "I just love you guys SO much!" My heart melted. I don't think he's ever said "I love you" spontaneously before. And he said it with true emotion behind it.
Then my bubble burst as he paused and said, "Well, I do not love Mama and BSter (otherwise known as Baby Esther), I just love Dada." I smiled and told him that of course he loves Daddy but he can also love Mommy and Esther. His response: "No, I cannot love Mommy and BSter, I can only love Daddy. I cannot love you both all together at the same time."
I guess I should be happy that he is using complex thinking skills, but I will need to help retrain his philosophy on love! :)
That actually made me -giggle-:O
Suprisingly but surely.
I love you guys so much. Ask Simeon if he loves me too??:)
oh!! soooo funny!!!!!
you got a heartbreaker on your hands!
Hahahaha.......why does that remind me of Deyan?? The Thinker.....gotta love 'em!
It's an age thing Dee. Amelia says "I love you mum - to the moon and back" and then in the same breathe, " I don't like you much mum!" Go figure! Good thing I have big shoulders - its when she tells her Nana Rose that she thinks she is Yucky and to go away that we need a little work on.....and the saga continues in the Days and Lives of a 2 yr old.
That is too cute.
He should at least get points for honesty and sweet innocence.
What a honey!
I LOVE Simeon and if I've said it a million times I'll say it again.. he and Esther are TOO cute!!
Simeon's "I love you guys" made me teary.. and then I did laugh out loud at "I can't love you all together at the same time!"
Thanks for the wonderful photo's!
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