Sunday, April 01, 2007

What we've been up to...

Definitely not blogging! haha. Actually, it's been busy, but when is it ever not? There is probably lots I haven't filled you all in on, but then the thought of playing catch up is rather overwhelming to me so I think I'll try to summarize.
I've decided to take a 'leave of absence' from everything I possibly could in my life and just spend some quality time hanging out with my kids. They are growing up way too quickly and the stress of things I'm involved in (which I still love) was taking away too much from giving fully to my family. Of course family has always been a priority for me but so often 'stuff' gets in the way of being the woman/wife/mother I want to be. So, difficult though the process has been, I think it's a good thing in the end. Now, if I can just learn to REALLY let go (emotionally) and to capitalize on this extra time, I'll be laughing! I am trying to teach myself some piano and Tyler's graciously teaching me a bit of guitar and I'm enjoying both of those.
The kids are doing great. Simeon is really into stickers. They are a great motivational tool! He loves helping me make his bed or make supper or fold laundry. He's actually pretty good at alot of this stuff. I guess it's his detail oriented personality! His other passion these days (which goes along with stickers most of the time) is learning to read. He is forever asking me "what does that say mom?" and asking me how to spell words and making up his own spelling of words he knows, etc. With the exception of some short and long vowel confusion and thinking the "wuh" sound comes from a "y", he's got most of the basic phonics down pat! It's funny how he's always been so interested in letters and sounds. I'm excited for when he can really read - it will open up a whole new world for him! In the meantime, he still loves to 'read' books to himself (outloud), telling the story so beautifully! His coordination is also improving as I've noticed he colors more in the lines now and his printing/tracing is more accurate. Poor guy - this must be related to his personality as well but he gets a bit frustrated when his 'lines' don't look as straight as he would like or when his circle touches something he wasn't intending it to. I just keep telling him he's doing great and that those little things don't matter at all - just keep trying!
Esther is her funny/silly self. Her communication is improving daily (even though I'm horrible at teaching her new signs!). She's starting to put more words together to form short sentences (ex: night night dada or siminon's socks? or bonk head stairs!). She's also switched from calling Simeon 'bubby" (aka brother) to Siminon. It's cute, but I miss some of those first words and I thought for sure Sim's nickname would stick! I'm glad she's talking clearly because she sure lets her desires be known in a forceful way! One day she stood in front of the fridge and said "gogurt" (yogurt) for 20 minutes because she'd found an empt yogurt container in the cupboard and decided she wanted some. We didn't have any, but that didn't deter her! It did drive me crazy though! Otherwise, she's developped quite the strongwill which can be challenging at times. Her and Sim get along brilliantly most of the time, but occasionally they purposely seem to bug each other. I guess that's pretty normal among siblings. I love watching them play little games together. I especially love it when they get up in the morning and play upstairs while I'm still 'waking up'. They both copy each other often which is funny when it's cute, not so much when it's disobedience! What else with her...she still loves books and of course babies. She is not set on one particular doll or teddy, but she tends to pick one that she likes for the day and takes it with her everywhere (usually a doll). She also loves real babies, but thinks they're all named Elliot (our friend's little guy). She also thinks she's a 'big girl' now and tries to go down the stairs on her bum instead of backwards. (hence the "bonk head stairs" sentence) She LOVES to go out - in the porch, in the car, outside, you name it. If she's whiny, all I have to say is "we're going to go out Esther" and she runs to the door and says, "jacket? suze?" When it's warm I let them both play in the porch. Ah, I love our house.

Dey is still enjoying his job. He's making his first batch of wine as we speak - should be ready sometime next week. He seems to be busy with more social engagements than me these days - now that's new! :) But he still enjoys a quiet evening at home with a good snack and a movie.

Tyler still hasn't started work yet (and this cold week ahead is notgood in that regard) but he's getting quite skilled in his music and it's great to have his help while he's here (with kids, house stuff, errands, etc.) It's fun to watch my siblings enter new seasons in their lives. Hard to believe they're all growing up! It is so great to have little pieces of them here, even if it is for short visits! (We miss you Jordan and Courtney!)Lastly, we bought a family membership at the YMCA! I've only had the opportunity to do a few workouts myself - still have to coordinate the childcare to make that happen more frequently. But I take the kids there several times/week. Our Y has some great preschool drop-in programs and both kids love going. They've also started swimming 'lessons' (parent and tot class) and I'm amazed at how much progress a few weeks can make! Especially considering the class is designed to get young kids accustomed to water by singing songs, splashing, etc. Not alot of 'skills' taught at this stage. "Fearless Esther" can float on her own holding a noodle, goes down the little slide, goes completely underwater without flinching, puts her face in when asked, kicks on her back and front, etc. Simeon was quite timid in the beginning, wanting to simply sit on the stairs for the whole time. Now he will put his head underwater voluntarily, jump in holding only one hand, kick on his back and front, etc. They both LOVE to go, so I hope they will continue like this to be ready for summer swimming!

I guess that's all for now. Have a wonderful Spring week! :)

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At 6:14 PM, Blogger Roo said...

great post deanna!! love you

At 3:41 AM, Blogger Emma said...

I agree, I hope they will continue so they will want to swim with Auntie Emma in the big wave pool at Canada's Wonderland! They also can go to Gondola Point Beach and Hope and Grant's or Heather and Steve's to go for a swim. I am sooooo excited to see everyone even though I will only see Dey for a few days it will be great to see you again. I haven't seen you since Christmas 2005. How time flys eh? See ya in a about 4 months:)

At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a fun update....those babies are something else. they do appear to be missing their nana though.....a certain sadness in their eyes as they are thinking of me..haha. watching your siblings enter new seasons in their lives....whatever do you mean??????haha

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Deanna Momtchilov said...

mom - so much for being subtle! ;)

At 4:34 PM, Blogger Erica said...

The YMCA is the reason I'm still (semi) sane today. The babysitting is a lifesaver on some days.
Won't it be great when the renos are done and there is a HUGE babysitting space with natural light and on the same floor as you are working out. Can't wait.
Its gonna be great! (er)


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