Friday, March 02, 2007

Anatomy 101

Simeon is very curious about body parts these days, particularly the ones we don't see as often! A few weeks ago he asked me what was on Esther's bum. After several moments of confusion, I realized he was wondering why she looked different than he did. I've always had full intention to use proper terms when talking to my kids about their bodies, so I told him what it was. The rest of the conversation went something like this:

Sim - "When I was a baby, did I have an angina too?"
Me (laughing at his pronunciation) - "No, Simeon, you're a boy like daddy and Esther is a girl, like mommy."
Sim - "But when Esther gets bigger she'll have a penis like me, right?"

I tried explaining things as best I could, but I wasn't convinced he understood. Oh well, he's only 3 after all! There is plenty of time, especially if we keep these lines of communication open and not make a big deal about conversations like this.

Fast forward to last week. I had a friend here for lunch with her 3 year old daughter. (*name changed to protect her identity*) The 2 kids were having such a cute conversation as they ate. Anytime I tried to interpret for them, Simeon would say, "Mom, I'm just talking to *Sally." Sally's mom and I were listening in every so often, remarking how great it was that our kids are now old enough to chat with each other. The next thing we knew, this is what we heard:

Sim - "You have a bagina?" (he's getting better at his pronunciation!)
Sally - "What?"
Sim - "You have a bagina, right?"
Sally - "I'm Sally!"
Sim - "But you're a girl so you have a bagina and I'm a boy so I have a..."
Me - "Yes, Simeon you're a boy and Sally's a girl."

So, other than thinking this is really funny, how do I avoid more embarassing situations? Yesterday he started making up a story about "Esther going to the doctor when she was born so she could get a bagina". He frequently reminds Deyan or I that we are a boy/girl and what parts we have! He has also discovered more parts on himself and is asking what they are called! I know it's pretty normal for kids to be curious, but he seems quite fascinated! Any advice? :)

PS - I had to switch my blog to the new format. It doesn't affect anything, but if you subscribe to my blog, you'll probably have to resubscribe or something.


At 8:30 PM, Blogger Roo said...

oh man! deanna!!!! sooo funny.
i am sorry
i have no words of advice. only admiration and a smile. :)

At 5:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

really funny even the second time I heard it! Has he reminded Tyler and Jordan of their body parts yet? haha Hilarious! I guess you need to keep it real altho' you may want to remind him that since these body parts are private ones that it may not be totally appropriate to mention them all the time to others? Heck I don't know. This fixation will probably pass into the wind. If it doesn't....then we'll strategize. In the meanwhile, Simeon you are beautiful and Nana and Papa miss you very much!
Love you all

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

Deanna, that's hilarious! Smart kid!

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Emma said...

I love my little newphew!


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