My Little Organizer

Those of you who haven't had the privilege of spending alot of time with Simeon, might not know this about his personality. He is organizer supreme! From the time he could sit up, he's always enjoyed placing things around him in an orderly fashion. A great example was yesterday when we arrived home with some groceries and I decided it was high time I cleaned my fridge and reorganized my pantry. Simeon was a great helper, as you can see! Now if only I could get him to translate these organization skills into cleaning up his toys! :)
These are some of the things he worked on while I washed the shelves and drawers of the fridge.

When putting the apples back into the fruit drawer, he was very distraught that there were only 8 of them because they didn't line up nicely! He kept looking for another apple, and finally had to settle on an orange to be the 9th! It then took a bit of convincing that we still needed to add the lemons and the other orange because that was messing up his little system!
These are some of the things he worked on while I washed the shelves and drawers of the fridge.

When putting the apples back into the fruit drawer, he was very distraught that there were only 8 of them because they didn't line up nicely! He kept looking for another apple, and finally had to settle on an orange to be the 9th! It then took a bit of convincing that we still needed to add the lemons and the other orange because that was messing up his little system!

ps - To contrast, Esther's nickname is often "Esther the Messter"! She seems to take great pleasure in frustrating her brother while he lines things up and she creates chaos!

haha this post was perfect!!
ahhh this makes me miss you SOOOO bad...give them really really big hugs for me please.
Can someone say "son of an architect"? ;)
son of an architect!!
that rocks Dee! I lovce how their personalities are so distinct! he'll get the toy thing eventually! miss you guys like crazy... thanks for posting pics!
Wow, I didn't realize being orgainzed was something you learned at such a young age. So cute! He's going to make a great husband one day!
That Simeon, too cute!
He is already honing his administrative skills.
My oh my!
I came here from erica's blog to see what blog yvonne didn't design and have been captivated by the activity of this little man! Just amazing!
So sweet...your children are adorable!
awwwww aw aw awwww!!!! your kids are awesome. and your fridge looks GREAT!
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