Pictures Worth Posting

Tyler made Esther's 1st birthday cake and Simeon helped Courtney and I decorate it!

Esther signing for 'more' cake! :)

And then there was the party...more cake!

...and ice cream...

And presents! She loves her babies!

Mama's precious girl

Fun times in the snow! With the beautiful weather we took the kids tobogganing (yes, there is a hill in Winnipeg...even if it is an old garbage dump!) We piled all 4 of us on this sled and sped down the hill! Weeeeeee! The kids loved it since Deyan and I took the brunt of snow flying in our faces!

Helping Dada shovel all that snow!

Before the snow (and her knee injury) there was fun in the park with Auntie Courtney!

Christmas time!

Construction of the Gingerbread house begins...

Who's eating all the candies anyway?

The finished product - an architectural masterpiece!
More pictures of the Christmas tree and Simeon's birthday to come as the week progresses! :)
this makes me miss you guys so much!
sim looks so old in that last picture there!
great pictures!
Your kiddies are so cute!
Love the pics!
ohhhhhh - LOVE the pics.
Wish I could have been there to do some of the fun activites but it is nice to see you all having such a great time and the kids growing so fast!
P.S. I especially love the pic of you and Esther in the hat, Dee.
I love the photo of Esther licking her chops at all that cake!
She looks very intense!
No fair on that gingerbread house, you're not allowed to hire professionals! hee hee
It looks great!
Tasty too!
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